here we are... mommy bersama si bungsu, gw and kakak pertama...masih ada kakak kedua, tapi doi akhir2 ini jarang kumpul karena sibuk cari omset....#semangat kakak keduaaa..
Jadi hari kamis sebelumnya, gw udah berencana buat beliin kue ultah,,sebenarnya bukan gw juga yang beli tapi gw minta tolong si bungsu sih beli kuenya (#tukang nyuruhhh) hahaha...
Kue nya kita kasih jumat pagi,,mumpung last day of week days kan, jadi kita bisa magabut bentarrr lah di hari jumat itu,,buat say happy bday, sing happy bday, eat the cake, and celebrate ur age mom,,hahaha
Pas hari jumat paginya,, kondisiiii kantor sepiiiiiiii banget, ternyata banyak temen2 kantor yang dinas keluar jadilah hanya beberapa orang aja yang ikut memeriahkan pesta kecil si emakkkk kita ini..
Here the lil partyyy then...
"Happy birthday our lovely mommy,,Tirza "shasa" Valentina..."
We are very fortunate to have you as
our Mom at our lovely office.
Wishing you a life loaded with love, warmth and
No woman is as perfect as you. You
may have your flaws but for your children, you will always be perfect.
Thank you for being strong enough to
say no when you know it won’t be good for us at all. Thanks for being soft
enough to always say yes whenever you realize it is for our own good.
Office part is always hard mom..and you know
that! hahaha
You are the most wonderful person in
CROplaks life.
No woman can ever take your place in CROplaks’s heart.
Happy Birthday! Mommy Sessihhhh..
Satu hal yang gw suka dari temen2 gw dikantor ini adalah, kami semua sangat kompak,,,tidak berusaha saling merendahkan, namun saling menguatkan... mungkin karena team kantor gw yang hanya 10 orang yah..jadi masih bisa terkontrol dengan baikkkkk...meski sering ribut hahaha, namun kami tetap solid...semoga kekompakan membuat kinerja kita semakin baik ya girlssss....#naik omset and bonus pulaa..haha..
"If you think that finding a office mate is all about having a perfect partner with
a tag of awesomeness, then change the way you think. Office mates are not any
special people with some out of the world qualities. They are just ordinary
people with an extraordinary passion to make a relationship work despite the
odds, despite the complications and despite all the imperfections in their
life. They just have this spark in their
relationship which helps them to make compromises and overcome their
imperfections in the most beautiful way. It is a relationship where things just
work out and the bond just keeps getting stronger with each passing day,
especially in office part…." by anonimmmm..
Once again,,Happy bday Mom,,,, semoga semakin menyatukan kami semuaaaaa..#kiss#hug
Thanks you very much for posting this, for the wishes and prayers, for your love and kind attention, for everything, Keket darling. May our wonderful friendship lasts forever.
BalasHapusHope that your wed preparations go smoothly and you can have a sparkling and perfect wed as you expected. Aamiin.
You and the girls always have a special place in my life.
Love, big hugs and kisses from me... muuaacchhh
muachhhh juga...#hug! ^-^